Monday, September 3, 2007

The fun part !!!

I live with 6 people in the house. Elias and his wife Fernanda, Daniel from Colombia, Adela from Czech Republic and I share a room with Marcelo from Brazil, a very good friend. The people are very cool and we have a lot of fun together. We did 2 Brazilian barbecue, one in the house and one the beach that were very successful, we went to the most amazing nightclub complex called Hard Rock, we went to movies, we went to Saw grass Mills many times and of course to the beach !!! We also get together with trainees in Kraft Foods in “bigger social events”. They are very cool people as well.

I can have fun in simple conversations at home, remembers funny stores in MC time in Brazil together with Elias, remember good parties and Carnival in Brazil, and just making jokes from our daily life. The house environment is quite cool and funny.

I am doing many things that I really like that I didn’t have time before. I am reading a lot, have time to reflect, time to write a blog and communicating with friends, call my family, taking care of my personal life.

Everything is exactly what I was looking for in this experience !!!

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