The best thing about the conference was to see many friends from all over the world that I was not expecting to see them again and be together with Svitlana. The worse part was please those senior people from the company with many silly requirements but the experience was great. I learn a lot about these senior people and I could meet some from different big companies.
Other important chapter of my business trip to 1 RACE. It is unbelievable how noisy the cars are, how great is to attend a world sport event as formula 1. We were just in front of the start point with gold tickets. Filipe Massa, the Brazilian from Ferrari, won the race and I bought a t-shirt from Ferrari with his name and the Brazilian flag.
The country is very different from what I was eexpecting. After going to
AAEE Marcelão!!!
Curtindo a vida de corporate em conferência hein??!!! E ainda reclama de puxar saco dos chefão....pior sou eu q trabalhei pra isso e nao fui na F1 :)!!
Show de bola meu guri....aproveita muito tua experiência...tu merece gatão!!!
Abs Segala
Que isso em Marcelão!
Parabéns pelo trabalho, cara!
Desejo tudo de bom pra vc aí, vc merece!
Qualquer coisa que precisar estamos aí...
Ah, então é aqui que tu te esconde! :D
:) very nice blog!! aproveita na experiencia e tudo o melhor pra vc!! beijos, e vc sabe cuanto é apreciado!
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